Part 1: Manoeuvres

Players have one ball each.

The coach says 'GO' and the players run around the area.

Players perform exercise for 45-seconds then move the ball static around a cone for 45-seconds as active rest.

Repeat 3-times.


Stick on ball, utilise body when performing fakes, change direction. Keep feet moving, speed is key.

Part 2: Eliminations

Players have one ball each.

1 player from each group carries the ball towards the objects at speed.

When player reaches object, lift the ball over and continue to the opposite cone.

When player reaches the end cone, next player carries on the drill in the opposite direction.

While players are waiting their turn, lift the ball in static position.

Coach times 3-minutes.

Score 1 point for every time players reach end cones.

Repeat 3 times with aim of beating past score.


Stick on the ball, keep ball central, squeeze bottom hand to lift. Keep feet moving, focus on speed & control.

Part 3: Connections

Each player has 1 ball.

1st player on each cone carries the ball towards the cones at the same time.

When they reach the cones, lift the ball over the cones to the right and then pass to the person on the cone, follow your pass.

Score 1 point for each time pass is completed.

Coach times 3-mins. Repeat 3 times with aim to beat past scores.


Stick on the ball, head up to scan, identify space, lift into space. Focus on speed and control, keep feet moving, accelerate/decelerate.

Part 4: Small Group Gameplay

3 v 3 with Joker (X).

Teams play 3v3 against each other.

Team in possession of the ball has the JOKER (X) on their side to create overload.

Score = run the ball over the end line with control = 1 point.


Confidence, want the ball, comfortable under pressure. Bring extra player into play, when to eliminate/pass. Attack at speed and aggressive, high intensity on and off the ball.