Part 1: Manoeuvres
Players have one ball each.
The coach says 'GO' and the players run around the area.
Players perform exercise for 45-seconds then move the ball static around a cone for 45-seconds as active rest.
Repeat 3-times.
Stick on ball, utilise body when performing fakes, change direction. Keep feet moving, speed is key.
Part 2: Eliminations
1 player on the cones goes at a time and carries the ball towards the objects.
When players get to the object, lift the ball over the object and continue to the next one.
Once player gets to the cone, the next player will go and carry on the drill in the opposite direction.
While players waiting their turn, lift the ball in static position.
Score 1 point for each time players reach the opposite cone.
Coach times 3-minutes. Repeat 3 times with aim to beat last score.
Stick on the ball, aim to drive into space, head up and eyes forward, keep ball central. Keep feet moving, high ball speed, execute skill at speed.
Part 3: Connections
Set 1 (uncontested)
Attacker carries ball towards defender 1, who runs towards the ball and puts stick down uncontested.
Attacker lifts the ball over defender’s stick and carries towards defender 2.
Defender 2 puts down reverse stick uncontested. Attacker lifts the ball over the stick and carries the ball to end point, where they turn and pass the ball to defender 1.
Players rotate & repeat.
Set 2 (contested)
Attacker starts by passing the ball into defender 1 for a return pass.
Same drill, except defenders now try and win the ball but have to tackle flat stick on the ground within shaded areas.
Confidence to eliminate, be aggressive and attack the defender Focus on speed, keep feet moving.
Part 4: Small Group Gameplay
1 v 2 (recovering defender).
Attacker starts by passing the ball to defender 1 and receives pass back and contests 1v1.
As soon as the attacker receives the pass, defender 2 jumps back and runs back to win the ball.
= attacker runs the ball over the white line in control = 2 points.
= defenders run the ball over the red line with control = 1 point.
Players change positions after 5 attempts.
Be aggressive, drive at the defender, go forward with urgency. Awareness of recovering defender - change angle. Speed on the ball, drive in to space, fluidity in movement.