Part 1: Manoeuvres

Players have one ball each.

The coach says 'GO' and the players run around the area.

Players perform exercise for 45-seconds then move the ball static around a cone for 45-seconds as active rest.

Repeat 3-times.


Stick on ball, utilise body when performing fakes, change direction. Keep feet moving, speed is key.

Part 2: Eliminations

1st player on each cone carries the ball at the same time.

When players get to each object, lift the ball over and repeat action.

When players get to the middle cones, pull the ball to the right and carry to the cone at speed.

When players reach cones, next players go and continue the exercise.

While players are waiting their turn, utilise static lifting skills.


Stick on the ball, change angle sharply, use hands to manipulate ball with stick. Keep feet moving, head up, accelerate after executing skills.

Part 3: Connections

1st player on each cone carries the ball at the same time at speed.

When players reach the object, lift the ball over and accelerate to the tyre.

When players reach the tyres, they spin strong around the tyre and pass the ball to the player waiting on the cone.

Player on the cone receives the ball and carries continuing the exercise.

Coach times 3-minutes.

Score 1 point for every completed pass.


Stick on the ball, use feet to set up movement, head up to scan. Keep feet moving, accelerate after skills

Part 4: Small Group Gameplay

Continuous 1 v 1 (Defensive reaction).


Player 1 carries the ball from the cone and takes on defender 2 in 1v1 battle.

Attacker carries the ball between the orange or blue cones to score.


As soon as this happens (B) player 3 carries ball towards the cones and player 1 will sprint to become the defender.

Players can score through the orange or blue cones before becoming the defender.


Attack the defender at pace, drive into space, use misdirection. Speed is key, attack with pace and purpose.