Part 1: Manoeuvres
Players have one ball each.
Players run around the area dribbling the ball and lifting with skill.
Players perform exercise for 45-seconds.
Players then lift the ball over the object back and forth for 45-seconds as active rest.
Repeat 3-times.
Stick on ball, head up, squeeze bottom hand to lift, move ball first. Feet moving, speed of execution.
Part 2: Eliminations
Set 1 (A)
1 player carries the ball at a time.
When they reach the object, lift the ball and continue through exercise.
When player gets to the cone, next player goes.
Score 1 point every time player reaches the cone.
Set 2 (B)
1 player carries the ball at a time.
When they reach the object, lift the ball and continue the exercise.
When the player gets to the cone, next player goes.
Score 1 point every time player reaches the cone.
Set 3 (C)
1 player carries the ball at a time.
Player carries the ball in the air around all the cones. If ball drops, lift it up again and continue.
When the player gets to the cone, next player goes.
Score 2 points every time player reaches the cone
-- rotate players through each exercise after 3 minutes while recording their scores
Keep ball central, head up for vision. Keep feet moving, speed through sections is key.
Part 3: Connections
Players on each cone carry the ball at the same time.
When they reach the tyre, pull the ball right and then lift over the object.
Pass to player waiting on the cone.
When player receives the ball, plays a 1-2 and carries the ball to continue the exercise.
Score 1 point every time player reaches the cone. Coach times 3-minutes.
Keep stick on the ball, head up, change angle early. Speed of ball & body movement key.
Part 4: Small Group Gameplay
1 v 1 Reaction battle.
Players start behind the blue cones.
Coach says 'GO' and players run around the orange cones.
As players get around cone, coach passes ball into the playing area for 1 v 1 battle.
First player to the run the ball over the line between the blue cones with control wins.
Strong on the ball, confidence to attack the defender. Decide best route to take - use manipulation/disguise. Speed of movement & reaction, decision-making key.