Part 1: Manoeuvres

Players have one ball each.

Players run around area with ball on stick for 45-seconds, then move the ball while standing still for 45-seconds as active rest.

Repeat 3-times.


Stick on ball throughout movements. Low body position, keep head up, identify space, constantly change direction

Part 2: Eliminations

Players carry the ball towards each set of cones at an angle.

When they get to the cones, pull the ball right and then move quickly to the next set of cones where they pull left.

When the player gets to the far cone, next player goes in the opposite direction.

While waiting for their turn, players dribble the ball in static position.

Score 1 point each time players reach the far cone.

Coach times 3-minutes. Repeat 3 times with aim being to beat previous score.


Stick on ball, adapt to angles, drive into space. Keep feet moving, change speed (accelerate/decelerate).

Part 3: Connections

1st player on each cone carries at speed, at the same time moving the ball right and left.

When they get to the tyre in the middle, circulate the tyre on opposite sides and pass the ball to the opposite cone.

Follow their pass and jog to the back of the group.

While players waiting their turn, dribble the ball standing static.

Score 1 point each time pass is completed.

Coach times 3-minutes. Repeat 3 times with aim being to beat previous score.


Stick on ball, head up and adapt to oncoming player. Change speed to adapt to space and oncoming player.

Part 4: Small Group Gameplay

3 v 2 Competition.

Teams plays against each other with 3 attackers and 2 defenders.

Score by running the ball over the end line with control = 1 point.

After scoring, play 2 v 3.

Change defending team every 2 minutes.


Confidence under pressure, be aggressive and go forward. Identify when to pass and when to eliminate, always be an option. High intensity on and off the ball.