Part 1: Manoeuvres
Players have 2 balls each.
Run around area dribbling both balls simultaneously for 35 seconds.
Then move both balls simultaneously from a static position as active rest for 35 seconds.
Repeat 5 times.
Stick on ball, transition between balls quickly, identify space. Feet moving, drive into space, focus on speed.
Part 2: Connections
Players in groups of 4/5.
1st player carries forward, lifting the ball over each object and passes to player on the orange cone.
Player receives the pass and continues the exercise.
As soon as pass is made the second player on the orange cone makes a lifted pass which is received and carried to the cone.
Score 1 point every time player reaches the other orange cone.
Coach times 3-minutes. Repeat twice, players attempt to beat their past score.
Keep ball central, stick on ball, hands away from body. Keep feet moving, focus on speed and accuracy.
Part 3: Small Group Gameplay
2 v 2 with overload.
2 players from each team begin standing in diagonal goals.
Overload player (black) passes ball into the playing area and says 'GO'.
All players enter the area and compete 2 v 2.
Team which has possession can use black player in creating overload.
Players can score in any goal at any time (not consecutively) and black player is prohibited from scoring.
Games last 3-minutes before changing overload player, so every player has opportunity.
Confidence on the ball, be an option for ball-carrier, head up for vision. Identify space, when to eliminate/pass. High intensity on and off the ball.