Part 1: Manoeuvres

Players have 2 balls each.

Run around area dribbling both balls simultaneously for 35 seconds.

Then move both balls simultaneously  from a static position as active rest for 35 seconds.

Repeat 5 times.


Stick on ball, transition between balls quickly, identify space. Feet moving, drive into space, focus on speed.

Part 2: Connections

2 players on each cone.

1st player carries ball forward, lifting over each object and stops the ball dead at the red cone.

Players run to the right, pass the stationary ball to the player waiting on the orange cone and follow pass. 

Score 1 point for every completed pass.

Coach times 3-minutes. Repeat twice as players attempt to beat previous score.


Accelerate, decelerate into space, high intensity, change speed.

Part 3: Small Group Gameplay

1 v 1 Recovery.

Blue defender starts with the ball and carries forward at speed.

As blue player reaches red attacker, leaves the ball and sprints around red cone to recover and chase the attacker.

Red player picks up the ball and drives towards the goals

Players can score in any goal within the shaded area (2 yards)

Battles last 30 seconds or until a goal is scored


Head up for vision, drive into space, confidence to attack & finish. Identify space early, change angle, focus on scoring. Speed is key, be aggressive.