Part 1: Manoeuvres

Players have 2 balls each.

Run around area dribbling both balls simultaneously for 35 seconds.

Then move both balls simultaneously  from a static position as active rest for 35 seconds.

Repeat 5 times.


Stick on ball, transition between balls quickly, identify space. Feet moving, drive into space, focus on speed.

Part 2: Connections

Players on the orange cones pass to players in the middle on blue cones.

Players receive pass and carry the ball to one of the red cones and back to blue.

Then make a pass to the player on the opposite orange cone and lead to opposite blue cone.

Players receive the next pass and continue the exercise.

Score 1 point for every completed pass.

Rotate middle players after 1.30 mins. Repeat twice, players attempt to beat their previous score.


Stick on ball, head up for vision, hard pass. Keep feet moving, everything on the move.

Part 3: Small Group Gameplay

2 v 2 v 2 Continuous possession.

3 teams, each in pairs (blue, red, black), within designated area.

Game starts with blue & red v black.

Possession is the focus by keeping the ball away from the defending team.

If black team gains possession, the team who touched the ball last becomes the defenders and the battle continues.

Coach times 3-minutes and the team who is defending at the end of time completes a forfeit.


Stick on the ball, head up for vision, find space. Always involved, want the ball, be an option. High intensity on and off the ball.